News from our Heroes – TriContour Waist Reduction Saves Military Career
We were pleased to receive an email today from one of our military heroes who is now serving overseas:
“I had a procedure done with Dr. Miller and was hoping to get a before and after picture if possible. The results are amazing, that tied to exercise and diet as well has been incredible. I would like to have these photos to show a few others and possibly send you some referrals. This procedure saved my career and has inspired a life change for a healthier life style. I would also like to know where I could leave feedback on your web site. Thank you so much!”
* testimonial disclaimer

With cuts in military spending, many of our service men and women are now required to submit to a “tape test” to measure their level of body fat content. This is an outdated method that has forced men and women to retire without full pension, many of whom have risked their lives for our freedom in several tours spanning many years.
Renewal Body Contouring provides a simple procedure that reduces the size of the waist permanently. While many of our heroes have sought drastic measures such as traditional liposuction, the TriContour Technique gives up to 6 inches in waist reduction without general anesthesia or a prolonged recovery.
Call 919-224-8020 or click here to find out more about this career-changing experience.
Click here view Dr. Miller’s results.